We are pleased to announce that Joe Zhao has been promoted to be a director of D W Johns & Co. This well-deserved promotion is a testament to Joe’s dedication and hard work over the years. Joe started at...
Applications are now open for Small businesses in South Australia to apply for a grant of up to 50% of the cost of energy efficient equipment or solutions. Grants are available for amounts of between $2,500 to $50,000. Am...
From the 2024 Financial Year, certain Not-for-profit entities will be required to lodge a NFP Self-review Return to determine their tax exempt status. Previously this has been self-assessed. The new requirements don’t apply to not for profits who are...
The South Australian state government has announced that its 2024–25 Budget will contain measures to abolish property value thresholds for both the stamp duty exemption and First Home Owner Grant. The stamp duty exemption will be available to all...
The government has announced changes to the stage 3 tax cuts set to take effect from 1 July 2024. Originally the benefits of the stage 3 tax cuts were weighted towards higher income earners but some of this saving...
Property taxes vary greatly across the country. In recent years most states have introduced surcharges for foreigners and different types of entities which could potentially catch locals. In this article we compare different state taxes and explore how you...
In recent months there have been several increases to taxes on property that potentially affect property nationwide while Victoria has expanded the reach of some its property taxes. Victorian Land Tax Victoria has increased land taxes for all Victorian...
There are a number of budget measures that small business owners need to be aware of, particularly if you are planning on purchasing new plant and equipment. Below is a summary of measures that impact on small business: Immediate...
The government has enjoyed a windfall gain, contributed to by high resource prices and increased taxes due to inflation and higher than expected employment. Most of the extra income has not been spent and has resulted in a forecast...